
Wednesday 29 June 2011

Day 4 - Breath Deep

Ooops! This is gonna be quick as I (Ted) was unable to get a wireless connection until this morning.

Bev and Guy taking pictures of their new friends Zane and Leila
So day 4 was moving day! We got up early, got in cabs and headed out to the Lima airport early. Onto the plane for what proved and exciting flight in Cusco and the start of the mountain portion of the trip.

Why exciting? Well, Cusco is in a bowl in the mountains. And to get to the runway, one takes a VERY steep left hand turn to dip down into the bowl. Some of us enjoyed its. Others not so much. The latter of these opinions was perhaps summarized best by Jennifer's phrase regarding the need to have her stomach as a checked bag because it wasn't going to be accompanying you. Not even singing of "Soft Kitty" (the song that Sheldon and Penny sing on The Big Bang Theory) was sufficiently calming.

And Cusco! We were met by Puma, who will be our guide in the mountains, bright sun and cleaner, thinner air. The latter especially had an affect. In preparation for the altitude of Cusco most of the group had taken medication. I hadn't and I won't lie, the range of response to the drug was kind of funny to watch. Tingly was describe. There were some vacant deep stares. Arriving in Cusco, I wonder how many felt it was useful (a lot of the group has abandoned the medication as they found they were affected by the altitude regardless). The altitude affect was mild for most, describing some grogginess. Some had more troubles than others. It is too bad that its affect can't be well predicted (fitness doesn't help only time). The affects of the altitude has also proved to give us some of the funnier moments on the trip (stay tuned..I don't think I will have time to upload the video today).

Susan making friends and shopping
Puma took us to the Inca fortress Sasywyman (that is an incorrect spelling but I am coming up against time barriers to get this post done). Then it was to the Sun Temple upon which the Spanairds built a monestary. Curiously in earthquakes it is the monastery that crumbles while the Incan walls hardly move. As we left the sun disappeared and we were all surprised at how quickly the temperature cooled.

One of the things that the group has noticed and found interesting I think is the number of street vendors who are fairly insistent. I wonder how many of us are growing tired of the chant "Amigo, amigo!"

We are on the move again today. Sacred Valley and Aquas Calientes today. The Machu Picchu tomorrow. Whether I will get to post in the next couple of days I am not sure.....but stay tuned as some of the most exciting parts of the trip are about to occur.

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